Kyoto University Medical Science and Business Liaison Organization


In order to promote research activities, Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine has been making efforts to manage research materials properly since the establishment of Kyoto University Medical Science and Business Liaison Organization (KUMBL) in 2002.

As the first step for the management of research materials, we prepared some templates of Material Transfer Agreement (MTA). We designed the efficient clerical procedure of transferring research materials for noncommercial and commercial entities all over the world. Finally we established an approval system of MTA in Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine and Kyoto University Hospital.

There is a certain tendency that the more properly and precisely we try to manage MTA, the more irritation researchers feel. Researchers want us to execute their MTA simply and quickly so as to set up their research as soon as possible.

We have been thinking that we might reduce such conflict and time for clerical procedure by visualizing the negotiation progress of MTA not only for contract administrators but also for researchers.

We hope that we can be of more help to researchers for their smooth and fruitful research by introducing the system of Material Management Center (MMC).

Tsuyoshi OGIKU, Ph. D.
Deputy Director
Kyoto University Medical Science and Business Liaison Organization

Our Team

Name Title E-mail
Tsuyoshi OGIKU, Ph. D. Deputy Director
Kyoto University Medical Science and Business Liaison Organization (KUMBL)
Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine
Keiko Uekawa
Mito Otsuki
Contract Administrator
Kyoto University Medical Science and Business Liaison Organization (KUMBL)
Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine

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